Begin seated on the floor with your legs extended, spine straight, and arms resting by your sides begin to bend your right knee and hugging it into your chest, take a hold of your right foot with your left hand and right calf with your right hand; lift leg up and cradle it towards your belly, next, scoop your calf muscle up towards the sky and bring your right ankle to the crease of your left hip, the bottom of your right foot should face the sky.
The top of your foot should rest on your hip crease and your knee should anchor down-(if any part of your knee is speaking to you please back off)-next, begin to bend your left knee and cross your left ankle over the top of your right shin, the bottom of your left foot should also face upwards, and the top of your foot and ankle should rest in the crease of your left hip; sitting up tall INHALE and reach your arms overhead gently pressing prayer hands to touch, allow yourself to have a slight bend in the elbows- keep drawing your shoulder blades down your back and life your chin towards the sky; Hold for at least 10 rounds of breath or as long as you’d like.
To Release: EXHALE and lower your arms back down by your sides and slowly release legs opposite of the way that you went in, lower hands by sides, plant feet hip width or wider bending knees and windshield legs side to side to release hips