Gomukhasana Prayer Twist R

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Come onto hands and knees (table top), cross your left thigh behind your right, then draw your sitz bones back to your heals-your right knee should be stacked on top of left (you can also sit on a block, blanket or bolster to release pressure from joints)-I NHALE and reach arms overhead, look up to extended fingers-EXHALE and bring prayer hands to heart center-INHALE to lengthen your spine-EXHALE and begin to rotate to the right; gently hook left elbow to the outside of your right thigh, rolling right shoulder blade toward your spine; on inhales use to uplift & exhales to twist-repeat for 5-10 cycles of breath.To Release: INHALE-rotate back to center, EXHALE-lower arms down by sides. Windshield wiper legs to get synovial fluid back into the hip joints- Repeat on other side.