Fetal Position, Side Lying Self Hug Sivasana

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Laying from back-EXHALE and roll over to your right side body, draw knees in towards torso and wrap arms around your chest, do your best to relax into the posture, The right side of the body controls the masculine aspects of our energetic behavior. Laying on this side helps us tap into characteristics responsible for giving, taking action and getting things done in a dynamic way.

As you rest here observe if it easy or more of a challenge for you to be in a leadership role or finish tasks? Are you more comfortable giving energetic or physical offerings than receiving them? Do you enjoy physical activity? How does the idea of masculine energy feel to you? Now bring awareness to how these issues are processed in your body mentally as well as physically. Does lying on this side feel comfortable to you or out of place? Acknowledge what comes up, then allow it to pass. When you are ready take a deep breath in, then as you EXHALE return to your back.

Allow yourself to stay here for a few cycles of breath and observe right side vs. left. Next-EXHALE and roll over to your left side body,draw knees in towards torso and wrap arms around your chest, do your best to relax into the posture. The left side of the body is responsible for the feminine aspects of our energetic behavior. This aspect of energy is nurturing and also taps into our intuition and creativity.

Take a moment to check in and observe. Ask yourself if you are ok with nurturing yourself & others? Do you allow yourself to receive care, compliments and tangible offerings? Are you someone who is more comfortable receiving or giving? Are you able to tap into and trust your intuition? How often do you slow down and allow yourself to hit the reset button? Now bring awareness to how these issues are processed in your body mentally as well as physically.

Does lying on this side feel comfortable to you or out of place? Acknowledge what comes up, then allow it to pass. When you are ready take a deep breath in, then as you EXHALE return to your back. Allow yourself to stay here for a few cycles of breath and observe right side vs. left. Part of the goal of yoga is to bring balance and harmony to both masculine and feminine energies. Once we are able to do so, it helps us better establish a foundation for meditation.