Ho’oponopono Forgiveness

LESSON: [10min] Ho’oponopono Forgiveness  Find a comfortable space to enjoy this lesson.  📌 ASSIGNMENT After finishing all classes in this module, create (1) VIDEO demonstrating an…

Gut Healing

LESSON: [15min Video] Gut Healing  Find a comfortable space to enjoy this lesson.  📌 ASSIGNMENT After finishing all classes in this module, create (1) VIDEO demonstrating an…

Self Love

LESSON: [10min Video] Self Love Find a comfortable space to enjoy this lesson.  📌 ASSIGNMENT After finishing all classes in this module, create (1) VIDEO demonstrating an EFT…


LESSON: [10min Video] Confidence Find a comfortable space to enjoy this lesson.  📌 ASSIGNMENT After finishing all classes in this module, create (1) VIDEO demonstrating an EFT practice…

Triple Brain Therapy EFT

LESSON: [25min Video] Triple Brain Therapy Find a comfortable space to enjoy this lesson.  📌 ASSIGNMENT After finishing all classes in this module, create (1) VIDEO demonstrating an…

Intro Video

Watch this Intro Video describing the EFT Module.