MemberForum Replies Created
It didn’t allow me to view, said the video is private. But based on what I’ve seen of your Instagram stories, I’m sure it was great 🙂
MemberApril 9, 2021 at 1:56 am in reply to: HW: Special Cases – Gomukhasana + Variations For Tight HipsLove this, Hope! ❤️
Thank you, Laurie!! 💖 I actually was thinking about adding a voice over. Now it’s official, I’ll have to sit down to work on that some time and make it public, I have it unlisted until then. I appreciate that
Place your mat near the wall for support. From all fours, move down on to your forearms and interlace fingers near the wall. Place the crown of your head on the floor, back of the head should be supported between your hands. Tuck toes, straighten knees, lift hips and walk feet in, shoulders in line with elbows like dolphin pose. When you feel ready, engage your core inhale and raise one leg straight in up toward the ceiling. Exhale, rest your leg against the wall directly behind you if you need the support, otherwise keep in line with torso. When you feel ready, keeping core engaged lift second leg up next to the other. Hold for about 30 seconds. Keeping core, thighs engaged.
To come out, slowly pull knees down to chest with control and lower feet to floor. Rest back in Childs pose.
That’s so sweet, thank you Laurie!! ❤
I love it. I actually started integrating it in 2008 or 09 when I did the 30dyc. I understand it and my own body a lot better now than I did then. I kept changing my “diet” over the years because I couldn’t digest so much. I’ve finally become more settled doing the inner child work and learning to protect my energy from taking on everyone else’s over the past year. There’s still so many foods (gluten and quite a few vegetables) I have to avoid but I’m hoping as I heal, I’ll be able to better digest food as well as experiences.
Yes, it played now. Beautiful!
Already done. I left a review on amazon in November, just hadn’t remembered to post the assignment at the time 🙂