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  • Journey to Joyful

    Posted by Abigail on December 8, 2021 at 12:56 pm

    Journey To JoyfulHow I wish I’d taken notes whilst reading this beautiful book! Throughout most of this wonderful read my heart was touched and I resonated at a deep level with Dashama. The vibrations of her words literally penetrate the mind whilst you are reading. I love how she has brought every aspect into one space, such a depth of knowledge in breathwork, kundalini, tantra, diet etc. I have worked for years with this holistic approach and finding a program that envelops the beauty of each of these teachings is a blessing!I’m so grateful to now know more about Kundalini, this is completely new to me, it’s incredibly powerful, I have felt a big shift in my vibration and have found myself walking around my house singing the different kriya! One night I was struggling to sleep, my mind was working overtime and I was feeling quite stressed. I opened Journey to Joyful and to my surprise Dashama was talking about addiction and alcohol. My father was an alcoholic and drug addict, he passed away 21 years ago from a heroin overdose. My mother and sisters are alcoholics. My husband is an alcoholic. Alcohol has caused much pain and damage in my life. Reading this chapter cleared my mind and instilled gratitude. I am grateful to have my loved ones with their disease. I am only responsible for myself and I can only control my actions and thoughts. In that moment reading that chapter I felt bliss, and immense love. I slept really well after that!This is the first time I have ever written of this, and I was going to submit it as an email. This shows how far this book and course has taken me. I am starting to embrace myself with pure acceptance. And with this I can thank Dashama and her commitment to helping people. I’m thinking that if I feel this way with an online course I’d probably spend a lot of time crying on a retreat!!! Many thanks for this beautiful experience. ❤

    Jasmine Dorsey replied 3 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Sukhi 💓

    December 8, 2021 at 10:18 pm

    Thank you for sharing Abigail. I’m so happy you are staying strong with all the challenges around you.

  • Jasmine Dorsey

    December 10, 2021 at 12:32 pm

    Beautiful❤️ You are amazing & I can always feel your energy radiating through your posts!Blessings xx✨

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