HW: Warrior Sequence
Upward-Facing Dog
⤴️ Start laying on your stomach with your legs straight and hip width-distance, feet flat on the floor and hands beside the hips.
⤴️ Place your hands beside your lower ribs, fingers spread.
⤴️ Inhale, press your palms firmly against the mat and open your chest.
⤴️ Straighten your arms and lift your torso while pressing on your feet.
⤴️ Raise your thighs off the floor so your weight is on your hands and feet.
⤴️ Legs and thighs muscles are engaged and shoulders away from the ears.
⤴️ Press your hands and feet on the floor, lift your body and look up.
⤴️ Stay in the pose for several breaths.
❗️ Avoid this pose if you recently had any shoulder, wrist, back or abdomen injury.
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