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  • HW: Mantra Vinyasa

    Posted by Tabitha Bullard on September 9, 2021 at 7:57 am

    HW: Mantra Vinyasa Flow

    Today we will be doing a pose from Mantra Vinyasa Flow. This is Yoga combined with using Chakra Balancing to shift your energy using Bija Mantras, or Seed Mantras. Bija Mantras are certain sounds which cannot be translated into a literal meaning but have the power to create great transformative growth and expansion in humans at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Each part of our bodies vibrates at a specific level and when all our systems are balanced and tuned with each other we experience harmony and health. Imbalance in these vibrations can lead to mental, emotional and physical dis-ease. Sound therapy is an effective way to heal ourselves, as each cell in our body is mainly composed of water, which makes them excellent sound resonators. Chanting mantras uses sound vibrations in our throat and harnesses the healing power of that energy for transformative growth. It’s not magic and it’s not witchcraft. The entire world and universe is a bundle of vibrating atoms, with each atom spinning unfathomably fast at it’s own frequency. Mantras just help us get on that same frequency.
    This resulting vibration channels cosmic energy through our bodies, which can generate incredible healing energy.

    It’s not magic and it’s not witchcraft. The entire world and universe is a bundle of vibrating atoms, with each atom spinning unfathomably fast at its own frequency.

    Mantras just help us to get on that same frequency.

    Bija Mantras and their associated Chakra and color:

    Root Chakra= LAM, red

    Sacral Chakra= VAM, orange

    Solar Plexus Chakra= RAM, yellow

    Heart Chakra= YAM (like yummy), green

    Throat Chakra= HUM, Blue

    Third Eye Chakra= Aum (u like in uber), Indigo

    Crown Chakra=Om

    These mantras can be incorporated into a whole practice. Staying in each pose as you go thru each of the Bija Mantras. Focusing your energy at the location of the corresponding chakra and imagining the color associated with the chakra while you repeat each sound. You can repeat like “LAM, LAM, LAM, LAM, LAM, LAM, LAM”(7 times) or one long drawn out sound for the whole breath “ LAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM” Begin with the 7 times repeat and then feel free to experiment with what feels good to you. Go thru all 7 chakras in each pose before moving to the next one.

    For today, we will be doing Tree Pose.

    *Begin standing in mountain. Feet planted hip distance apart, shoulders back, spine straight, and arms at your sides palms open and facing forward.

    *Take a deep inhale, raise your arms out and up to meet in prayer above your head, then exhale and bring them down to prayer at your heart. Repeat once more.

    *To get into tree pose, shift your weight into your left foot and begin to lift onto the toe of your right foot to get your balance.

    *Then lift your right foot and balance it on the inside of your left thigh, taking care to be either above or below the knee area, so you don’t damage your joints.

    *Beginners can use their foot as a kickstand, heel touching lower calf.

    *To maintain balance, use a Drishti, or focused gaze, finding a spot to focus your intention and sight. Make sure it is an unmoving point, as if it is moving it will make balancing much more difficult.

    *You can keep your arms in prayer at your heart as you go thru all of the Chakras and Mantras, or you can vary them as you wish.

    *Some suggestions for mudras, or hand placement are, prayer above your head, arms open up and wide to the universe in a receiving position, or Lotus Mudra. Lotus Mudra is where your pinky fingers and thumbs meet and other fingers fan out to form a lotus like shape. Bottom of palms also touching and in front of your heart.

    ~~~Go Deeper into each Seed Mantra~~~~

    ( quoted from

    First Chakra, Root Chakra Mantra: LAM

    Let’s start with Muladhara, the root chakra. The Bija Mantra that connects Muladhara chakra is LAM. This Chakra is seated deep within our pelvis. It’s the lowest of our chakras and rests near our reproductive organs. Because it’s our base in life, it controls how we feel about our place and belonging in the world. Repeating LAM can help us open our root chakra and awaken our source of life and consciousness.

    Second Chakra, Sacral Chakra Mantra: VAM

    Moving further up our body towards our crown, we have the next chakra. This is Svadhisthana, the sacral chakra. The Bija Mantra that connects Svadhisthana chakra is VAM. This chakra is located just slightly above your Muladhara, or root chakra. It helps increase creativity and channels sexual energy. When it’s blocked or off balance, you might feel low self-esteem or apathetic to others.

    Third Chakra, Solar Plexus Mantra: RAM

    Next is the solar plexus chakra, ManiPura. The Bija Mantra connecting ManiPura is RAM. This chakra is in your spine right behind your belly button. It’s the base for your sense of confidence. When blocked you might feel insecure or have digestive problems.

    Fourth Chakra, Heart Mantra: YAM

    In the center of your chest next to your beating heart is your heart chakra, Anahata. The Bija Mantra associated with anahata chakra is YAM. Feelings of love and acceptance pour from anahata, and when blocked, you might feel lonely and distant from others.

    ‘Fifth Chakra, Throat Mantra: HAM

    Centered at the back of your throat, we have the throat chakra, vishudda. The Bija Mantra associated with vishudda chakra is HAM. Our throat chakra empowers our voice. This energy helps us with the ability to communicate our thoughts and desires more effectively. When vishuddi is blocked, you may have trouble expressing your true desires and needs.

    Sixth Chakra, Third Eye Mantra: AUM (or OM)

    At your third eye directly at the center of your forehead is the third eye chakra, ajna. The Bija Mantra associated with ajna chakra is AUM, or OM. One of the most common mantras known and practiced, this mantra helps us purify our faith and clarify purpose. Ajna is closely connected to our brain. This chakra harnesses the energy to our intuition and wisdom. The sound Om is referring to creation. It opens the mind for meditation, drawing energy upwards through the spine while we meditate. It lifts us into a higher level of consciousness, achieving balance and harmony.

    Seventh Chakra, Crown Mantra: OM or AH

    Last but certainly not least is the crown chakra, Sahasrara. As the name suggests, it’s located at the crown of our head. The Bija Mantra associated with the Sahasrara chakra is OM, or AH. Another famously practiced mantra amongst yogis everywhere, this chakra is associated with your consciousness. It helps us with our spirituality. When blocked, you might feel too strongly attached to material objects or achievements, and less connected to your spiritual meaning in life.

    Tabitha Bullard replied 3 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Sukhi 💓

    September 10, 2021 at 4:33 pm

    Thank you Tabitha! Cute photo of you and the sweet girl (I’m guessing that’s your daughter? ) I love how you 2 match! I’d love to know what are your words and what you are quoting if you can make that more clear. I’d suggest a clarity in that especially when you’re using your authentic voice as a yoga teacher. We want to hear YOU. 💗🕉⭐

  • Tabitha Bullard

    September 15, 2021 at 7:02 am

    Thanks Sukhi! And the whole post was my own except the section that says ~Go Deeper into each Seed Mantra~~- the explanations of what the Seed mantras are and which chakra they connect to. I got some of the information online, but the words I used were all my own except that list, the one at the bottom. I guess I should have been more clear on what specifically is quoted, I can see where it would be unclear. I just wanted to add a list like that and I didn’t want to add it without citing where I found it.

    • Sukhi 💓

      September 16, 2021 at 12:35 am

      Thanks for being receptive 🙂

  • Tabitha Bullard

    September 17, 2021 at 1:54 pm

    Of course I totally get what you were saying. I do need to have my own voice.

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