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  • HW: Core Training Yoga

    Posted by Raven on June 12, 2021 at 5:59 am

    Crow pose. Bakasana.

    Start in a toe stand and place your hands, shoulder width apart, onto the mat in front of you. Engage your finger tips deeply to create a solid base. Imagine you have claws digging into the earth.

    Engage your core as you straighten your legs and lift your sit bones in the air. Walk your feet in until you can place your knees onto your triceps, as close to your arm pit as you can.

    Start leaning your torso forward. Keeping your gaze forward will help you from tipping towards your face. For safety make sure your elbows are directly above your wrists and that they do not flair to the side.

    Reach the back of your spine up towards the sky as you ensure your core is engaged and your hands are rooting into the earth.

    You may need to lift just one foot at a time to solidify your balance, and when you are ready lift both feet off the ground while hugging your legs, knees, and elbows into your center.

    Raven replied 2 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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