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  • HW: Chakra Series (5) – Throat Chakra

    Posted by Hope on April 4, 2021 at 12:02 am

    After the Heart Chakra, which is the bridge between Chakras 1-3 and Chakras 5-7, we arrive at the Fifth Chakra, the Throat Chakra. Called Vissudha in Sanskrit, meaning “purity”, the throat chakra is about communication and self-expression. The goal of this chakra is to provide clear communication, creativity and resonance and is the right to Speak and Be Heard. This chakra develops between the ages of 7 and 12.

    It is very important to let children know they have a right to speak and be heard, or they may grow with imbalances in this chakra, if imbalances do not already exist in the lower chakras. (Energy flows through, so an imbalance in a lower chakra development will most likely effect the development of the next chakra). Deficiencies include fear of speaking and excessive traits include excessive talking, inability to listen, stuttering.

    When I was nine, we moved from rural Mississippi to Minnesota, where accents vary widely. I was ridiculed for the way I talked and quickly adapted my accent to sound like a Minnesotan. When I left Minnesota, I found out the Minnesotan accent was strange as well and eventually that accent left, replaced by something more trans-American. I still catch myself adapting to the accent in the region I’m in, usually subconsciously. I’ll walk out of a restaurant in Savannah, GA wondering why I just sounded like Paula Deen when I spoke to the staff.

    Growing up, the adults told us children to be seen and not heard. I was often afraid to speak to older people. If I informed on any of my siblings or cousins wrong behavior, I was told not to be a “tattle-tale”. This taught me to keep things to myself; that somehow telling on people was wrong, not that what they did was wrong.

    After we moved, I talked as little as possible, so people did not notice the way I spoke. I had a hard time with communicating my feelings to friends and teachers and standing up in front of a classroom to give a speech filled with me so much fear I became ill.

    When I became an adult, I thought all of that would go away, but it didn’t. Not until I began my healing journey through yoga. As a writer, it is important I be able to expressive myself and have excellent communication, as well as speak my truth without fear of retribution. I did not learn this until last year, after signing up for YTT, and the healing that ensued with my throat was felt physically. I hope to one day be able to stand in front of a crowd and freely expressive myself. I’m not there yet, but I can see I am on the journey toward that place of self-expression and freedom.

    Some throat openers in yoga include fish pose and camel; heart openers also help open the throat!

    Hope replied 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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