HW: Chakra series #2
Svadhisthana, The Sacral Chakra is located below the navel, it is orange in colour. The mantra for this chakra is VAM. This chakra is associated with sensuality and creativity. The primary function of this energy center is pleasure and overall enjoyment of life. When this chakra is balanced and functioning properly, we can expect our relationship with ourselves and the world to feel harmonious, pleasureful, and nurturing.The svadhisthana chakra is associated with the element of water. The water element is all about flow, flexibility and freedom of expression when it comes to emotions and sensuality. This energy center, when balanced, offers direct access to flow, flexibility, and fun.
In working with this chakra, you will address your relationship with both others and yourself. Personally, you’ll discover you have unlimited creative power; you’ll learn how to cultivate a healthy relationship to pleasure; and you’ll gain insight into your default reactions and deepest emotions and learn how to sit with the depth of your feelings. You will more freely express your wants, needs, and emotions with others. You will also learn how to express yourself more skillfully and how to begin setting healthy boundaries.
Blocked energy in the chakras can manifest in our emotional, spiritual, and even physical bodies. Physical symptoms of blocked chakras many times occur in the area of the blocked energy center. When the sacral chakra is out of alignment, you may experience any of the follow:- Chronic low back pain
- Ovarian cysts and other reproductive issues
- Urinary tract infections
- Impotence
- Pain during intercourse
- Complications with the bladder and kidneys
- Other pelvic–lower abdominal issues
Blocked chakras can also greatly affect the quality of our mind and thoughts. Mentally, blocked sacral energy can manifest as issues such as co-dependency or feeling overwhelmed by our emotions. Other signs your sacral chakra might be blocked:
- Overindulgence in sexual fantasy
- Lack of interest in sex all together
- Difficulty expressing our emotions, needs, and creativity
I feel that keeping the sacral chakra balanced is highly important for ourselves, to help keep our emotions and pysical wellbeing in check. It can be balanced by practicing the asanas, with the use of crystals, with essential oils, by tapping into your creativity, meditation, mantras and affirmations.
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