HW 30DYC Day 1 yoga fundamentals
Low lunge Añjaneyāsana
The low lunge helps to relieve tight muscles in the hips and legs.
From a downward dog step your left leg forward making sure that your knee is parallel with the ankle, this will avoid knee injuries. Lower your right knee to the floor and release your toes, ground into your front foot and square your hips to the front of the mat.
You can stay here with your hands at either side of your left leg, or you can place a block on each side for your hands if you are very tight or you might like to deepen the pose by placing your hands on your knee and tucking your tailbone.
In whichever position you have chosen, stay there and take 5 deep breaths to circulate the oxygen, if your mind wanders bring it back to the breath and the present moment.
This Pose strengthens the supporting muscles for the knee, and it stretches the Psoas, sartorius and the rectus fermoris muscle.It also engages and strengthens the deep inner core muscles, which are needed to create stability.
Low lunge variations:Crescent moon pose; raising your arms above your head.Ashwa sanchalanasana; arms above the head and then bending the back backwards.
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