HW 30 DYC Day 7 Core training yoga sequence
Bicycle crunch
Including core muscle training into your yoga routine will improve significantly your poses, your practice will be more fluid and you will get in touch with your inner strength and experience a profound connection with your body. The core is a comprehensive and multi-functional part of the anatomy. Increasing it’s strength will help alleviate back pain, increase the inner strength, improve posture, allow for better flexibility and ensure that you stay balanced.
The bicycle crunch is an excellent exercise to activate the rectus abdominis, the upper abdominal muscles and the obliques. Because the legs are raised the transverse abdominis is also engaged.
Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground and knees bent at a ninety degree angle, contract your core muscles, pulling in your abdomen to stabilise your spine. With your hands at the side of your head inhale and bring the right knee towards the chest and straighten out the left leg keeping it away from the floor, at the same time rotate the torso and bring the left elbow towards the right knee so that they touch in the middle. Repeat on the other side, keep breathing steadily and continue like this slowly increasing the repetitions. Be careful not to pull on your neck, make the torso do all of the work, also make sure your back stays pressed into the floor at all times to avoid injuries.
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