30 DYC: Day 8 Mantra Vinyasa Flow
Vrksasana Tree Pose
The meaning of the sanskrit word “mantra” is traditionally defined as that which liberates the mind from it’s troubles and limitations. A mantra is a sound, syllable, word or group of words that are considered capable of creating transformations, spiritual transformation.
Saying mantras during your yoga practice keeps you in the present moment, shifts your energy, gives you clarity, focus and peace. During this practice we used a Bija seed mantra, working through each of the 7 chakras, these mantras create a strong vibration through each energy center.
1: LAM: The Root chakra (Muladhara) , Red in colour and located at the perineum, connected to the sense of smell, it is an earth element. When in balance we have: Connection to life, vitality, stability, confidence, safety, common sense, abundance, ability to materialise and manifest.
2: VAM: Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana), Orange in colour and located at the sacrum, connected to the sense of taste, it is a water element. When in balance we have: Creativity, sensitivity, joy, optimism, sincerity, good relationships, friendships, satisfaction, sexual fullness, sensuality.
3: RAM: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), Yellow in colour and located at the stomach, connected to the sense of view, it is a fire element. When in balance we have: Personal power, decision making power, discernment, organisational capacity, courage, ability to set boundaries, motivation, self-esteem, self confidence.
4: YAM: Heart Chakra (Anahata), Green in colour and located at the heart, connected to the sense of touch, it is an air element. When in balance we have: Unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness, universal love, acceptance, generosity, peace, joy, harmony, empathy.
5: HAM: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha), Blue in colour and located at the throat, connected to the sense of hearing, the element is ether. When in balance we have: Sincere and Positive communication, awareness of what we say, ability to listen, creativity, expressiveness, clarity of expression, internal listening.
6: AUM: Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna), Indigo- violet in colour and located at the frown. When in balance we have: Develops intuition, self awareness, connection to subconscious, wisdon, inspiration, extrasensory powers, tolerance, comprehension, acceptance, increased imagination and visualisation, inner teacher.
7: OM: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), Purple-white or gold in colour and located at the crown. When in balance we have: Connection with the universal consciousness and essence itself, spirituality, humility, intuition, inspiration, whloeness, transendence, inner peace, satisfaction, intergration between physical, mental and spiritual level, divine consciousness, consciousness of unity, presence and balance.
Vrksasana (Tree Pose) teaches you to simultaneously press down and feel rooted as you reach tall like the branches of a mighty tree. In this pose, you find a sense of groundedness through the strength of your standing leg. Bringing the sole of your opposite foot to your shin or thigh challenges your balance. Continuously engage your ankles, legs, and core and notice what tiny movements your body might make to help you stay balanced.
By strengthening your legs, glutes, core, and back, Tree Pose can help improve your posture and alignment, which is especially helpful if you sit a lot throughout the day.
Stand in Tadasana. Spread your toes, press your feet into the mat and firm your leg muscles.
Inhale deeply, lifting your chest, and exhale as you draw your shoulder blades down your back. Look straight ahead at a steady gazing spot.
Place your hands on your hips and raise your right foot high onto your left thigh or shin.Avoid making contact with the knee.
Press your right foot and left leg into each other.
Check that your pelvis is level and squared to the front.
When you feel steady, place your hands into anjali mudra at the heart or stretch your arms overhead like branches reaching into the sun.Hold for several breaths, then step back into Mountain Pose and repeat on the other side.
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