30 DYC Day 6 Warrior sequence
Warrior II Virabhadrasana II
Named for a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Shiva, virabhadrasana II increases stamina.The benefits of this pose are: Stretches your hips, groin and shouldersOpens your chest and lungsEnergises tired limbs Stimulates your abdominal organs Develops balance and stabilityImproves circulation and respiration
Starting in downward dog place your left foot to the centre and lift your right leg high bringing it through and place your right foot between your hands into a high lunge. Position your left foot outward in line with the end of the mat. Your hips are out facing the edge of the mat as you bring the arms up and long the left behind you and and then right in front of you. Keeping the arms at the shoulder height, the right leg is strong at an angle with the knee above the ankle. Hold here for a few breaths. If you want to you can raise the right heel to increase the depth of this pose.
Once you have finished bring the arms down to each side of the right leg, bring the right leg back so that you are in plank position. From here you can go back into downward dog and repeat on the other side. There are many variations of the warrior pose. All benefitting every part of your body. I enjoy the revolved warrior which I have also included a photo of.
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