30 DYC Day 5 Lower Back Relief
Marichyasana III (seated twist)
The Marichyasana encourages the pelvis and shoulders to rotate in opposite directions, creating a twist in the upper body. The twists are generally helpful for detoxifying the stomach, maintaining spinal rotation, reduction in back pain, de-stressing, and offers the perfect stretch from the spine into the glutes.I love the feeling that this pose offers, I suffer with my lower back and this pose helps me a lot.
Twisting action helps to create inter-vertebral space thus lengthens the spine. This decompresses the vertebral space, and spinal nerve health is taken care off. The flow of energy is improved in a gentle non-evasive way leaving you completely energised.Sit on the floor. If you have tight hips and hamstrings, elevate the hips by sitting on a folded blanket. Actively move the sit bones down into their support to establish a strong base. Bend the right knee and bring the right foot to the outside of the left thigh. Keep the left leg strong and rotated slightly inward. Press the back of the left heel and the base of the big toe away from the pelvis. Press the inner right foot actively into the floor while softening the inner right groin. These actions will help you lengthen your spine, which is the most important step for a successful twist. Exhale and rotate your torso to the right. Bring the left arm to the outside of the right thigh. Bring the right hand to the mat just behind your pelvis. Press your right fingertips onto the floor to lift the torso slightly up and forward.
Sink the inner right groin deeper into the pelvis. Lengthen your front belly up out of the groin along the inner right thigh. Continue lengthening the spine with each inhalation and moving into the twist with each exhalation. Hug the thigh to your belly and lean back against your shoulder blades. Gently turn your head to the right to complete the twist while maintaining focus on the breath and body. Allow the neck and head to follow the line of the spine. Stay in the pose for 5-7 breaths, then release with an exhalation and repeat to the left side.
If bringing your hand to the floor causes rounding in your lower back, place a block underneath your hand to lengthen the spine.
When I think about every time I used to massage someone working into the base of the spine was always the hardest area to relieve pain, the complex network of nerves, vertebrae and tight muscles can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact area the pain is coming from. This pose offers a depth and gentleness that in my opinion massage cannot achieve!
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