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  • 30 DYC Day 24 Wall Inversions

    Posted by Abigail on December 8, 2021 at 12:55 pm

    Handstand Adho Mukha VrksasanaYoga inversion is believed to release tension, increase circulation and energy levels, and strengthen muscles. It’s also thought to promote emotional growth, calm the mind and spirit, guide energy toward the heart, and help you become more connected with the earth.
    Contraindications for inversions are the following; high blood pressure, history of stroke or heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy beyond the first trimester, glaucoma or other eye disorders, spinal problems, chronic neck pain, excess weight, dizziness, head injuries, inner ear problems, hiatus hernias and osteoporosis.
    I actually managed to get into a Handstand, Adho Mukha Vrksanana Or Urdvhavrsasana. This Pose has taught me that I actually have some fear of certain postures. I feel liberated after achieving it! About 9 years ago I did a handstand and my arms gave away, which really hurt my head! It has also taught me that I seem to struggle more doing forearm inversions!This pose engages the whole body and works synergistically to deliver benefits to both body and mind.
    On a physical level, rooting through your hands to support yourself while upside down reverses gravity’s effects on the body. Gravity can be pretty harsh, so giving your body a break from it can instantly make you feel better. Here are five other physical benefits to doing daily handstands:

    1. They Build Upper Body Strength
    2. They Increase Balance
    3. They Strengthen Your Core
    4. They Improve Breathing, Bone Health, and Circulation
    5. They Enhance Your Mood

    Urdvhavrsasana means upside-down tree. As our body stacks itself in alignment, we use our hands to root down into the earth. The roots enable a tree to have a strong trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruit. In the same way, our rooting in this position can facilitate expansion in our lives.

    This pose is associated with the crown chakra, which profoundly affects mental clarity and spiritual awareness. Energy flows from our hands up through our bodies. This builds strength and confidence and connects us to our ‘higher’ selves, our planet, and the greater universe. Perspective changing, indeed!

    1. Come into Downward Facing Dog with your hands about 6 inches away from the wall.
    2. Walk your feet closer to your hands, bringing the shoulders over your wrists and, if possible, your hips over your shoulders.
    3. Keep your right foot on the ground lifting onto the ball of it and begin to bend at the knee. Lift the other foot off the floor straightening the lifted leg behind you. Take a few hops here, jumping off from the bent leg and lifting the straight leg toward vertical. Flex your lifted food the entire time for engagement.
    4. Try bringing both heels to the wall. Keep your head down between your upper arms and breathe deeply.
    5. Practice taking the heels off the wall and balancing, remembering to keep your feet flexed. You will need to strongly engage your legs and reach up through your heels. You can also start to work on bringing your gaze to the floor.
    6. Bring one leg down at a time and rest before trying to kick up with the opposite leg for balance.

    Sukhi 💓 replied 3 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Sukhi 💓

    December 8, 2021 at 10:16 pm

    Thanks for all the Contraindications and benefits here! Wonderful!

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