30 DYC Day 11 Hamstrings
Supine twist Supta Matsyendrasana
Flexible and strong hamstrings are the key to a healthy and happy yoga practice. This is why to lengthen and strengthen these muscles is essential to avoid injuries and flow from one pose to another with ease. Optimum hamstring health lies somewhere between the two ends of this spectrum. If your hamstrings don’t have a lot of motion, gaining flexibility can help keep your knees, hips and legs healthy. If your hamstrings are hyper lax, controlling their range of motion will also help you stay injury free. If your hamstrings are tight, you should strengthen them.
Hamstrings are healthiest when all of their fibres are able to fully lengthen and contract, which is what prevents muscle tears and promotes muscle health. Most of my clients that came to me with lower back pain for a massage presented with hamstring instability. There are four muscles that make up the hamstrings:- The Ischial Tuberosity
- Biceps Femoris
- Semi-tendinosus
- Semi-membranosus
It is important that groups of muscles work in harmony with each other, muscle group imbalance shows us that one muscle in the group could be under-facilitated a REACTIVE muscle and the other is over-facilitated a REACTOR muscle. It is the over-rightness of the reactor which may cause pain. Maintaining muscle integrity is highly important.
- Lie down on your back. Taking the right leg into a hamstring stretch(supta padangusthasana) Using a strap or your hand, while inhaling, raise the right leg up to a vertical position. Try to keep the leg straight, without bending the knee.
- Shift the strap to the left hand if you are using one and stretch the right hand in line with the shoulders with the palm facing down. Look over the right shoulder.
- While exhaling, start lowering the right leg to your left side. Maintain a constant gentle pull on the leg with the strap or hand while attempting to lower the right foot onto the floor. Try to keep the right shoulder firmly on the ground and try to keep the knee straight.
- Hold the final position for five deep breaths.
- Very gently, while inhaling, raise the leg back up to a vertical position
- While exhaling, lower the leg down to the floor.
- Repeat the above sequence with the other leg.
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