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  • 30 DYC Day 10 Inner Thighs

    Posted by Abigail on November 22, 2021 at 12:16 pm

    Goddess Pose Utkata (powerful or fierce) Konasana (angle pose)
    Your inner thigh muscles known as the adductors, play an important role in keeping you balanced, stable and moving safely. They’re also crucial to stabilising your hips, knees, lower back and core!

    A pranashama golden rule is to breathe through the pain and here you will stretch and lengthen your inner thighs to create more flexibility in your body. (Journey to Joyful).
    Goddess ( utkata konasana) is a static plié squat and is a major external hip opener that fires up everything below your waist. Goddess pose lengthens the adductors of your inner thighs and strengthens your calves, quadriceps, knees, glutes, core and opens the chest. It also stimulates the uro-genital system and pelvic floor. Another plus is strengthening and stretching the shoulder joints.
    This pose balances Muladhara, the root chakra, strong and grounding, but it also invokes a powerful feminine energy, embracing our inner goddess is about willingness to open up to ourselves and the world.

    • Start at the top of your mat in mountain pose (stand tall with your big toes touching, heels slightly apart, hands at your sides, and turn your palms forward).
    • Step your left leg back three-to-four feet and pivot on your heels toward the center of your mat until you face the long edge of your mat. Parallel your feet.
    • Turn your toes outward 45-degrees, and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Track your knees over your second toe, and avoid your knees caving inward or bowing outward.
    • Draw your shoulder blades back and downward, lift your chest, and tuck your tailbone.
    • Extend your arms straight overhead and turn your palms toward one another or in anjali mudra in front of the heart, you can also use guan mudra with your arms extended to the sides. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds — or longer if you want more heat (don’t forget to breathe slowly and deeply!).
    Sukhi 💓 replied 3 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Sukhi 💓

    November 24, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    Great explanation!

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