Bed yoga module
I loved the Bed Yoga module! Mainly because I love my bed!! My body always feels really stiff in the mornings, so including stretching and simple yoga poses helps me to get up feeling less stiff! It’s also been a good distraction away from my phone. This is probably one of the worst habits I have made is waking up and immediately looking at my phone, filling 10 minutes with bed yoga has been much more beneficial! I have also been including it on the odd occasion before going to sleep at night. My favorite poses to do in the mornings are an Upward facing dog and puppy pose to stretch out my back and shoulders. Seated wide legged forward bend, Pigeon pose and Happy baby pose to stretch out my glutes and legs! In the evenings I’m more inclined to practice child’s pose, knees to chest, Supine twist, Seated forward bend, Open Chest, neck stretches and Savasana. I prefer the more energized poses in the morning and calm and soothing ones in the evening which is normal. It has really helped me to make a conscious effort to not to just sit on my phone in the morning and night time, which has made me happier, just having that moment with myself! I think Bed yoga is something I will explore teaching my clients in the future.
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