I really enjoyed going through the Kundalini module, it’s my first time practicing the Kriyas and I’m hooked. I struggled holding my arms up, but battled through it, I found it a very powerful mindfulness technique, focusing on the breath, holding the bandhas, the arms in a certain position and repeating the mantra in the head, is a lot to do all at once when you’re not used to it! My favorite Kriya is Ardas Bhaee, I have found myself singing it around the house and even in the supermarket! I have been enjoying practicing a kriya before or after my yoga session, I always feel like I’ve taken more time for myself. which in itself is an achievement! Everything can wait until after my practice! I feel more centered and I have more clarity after, but most of all a relaxed feeling similar to that of meditation! I feel that continuing this practice will be incredibly beneficial to me.
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