30 DYC Day 30 Chi Flow Vinyasa
Easy Pose Sukhasana with Lotus MudraChi is your life force, the energy that flows through you and through everything. It is that which gives you life.
The concept of chi (also spelt Qi) has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Martial Arts. But the idea of a vital life force energy and its role in our health can be found in many cultures. For example, in yoga and Ayurveda we describe this life force as Prana.
Chi energy moves through the body like breath and blood and is nourished by a healthy diet, enough sleep and movement practices, however its qualities go beyond the physical or tangible.
Chi can be described as the purest energy that arises out of consciousness, awareness, stillness – through you into your body and all expressions of life. Chi in short can be described as the essence of your true self.
Pranayama techniques are breathing exercises which clear the physical and emotional obstacles in our body to free the breath and so the flow of prana – or chi.
Easy Pose (Sukhasana) is the name for any comfortable, cross-legged, seated position, and one of the most basic poses used in yoga practice and meditation. In this case, however, easy doesn’t mean the opposite of difficult. It means “with ease.”
So, sitting in Sukhasana is actually sitting any way you can with ease. For some people, using props such as blankets, towels, and yoga blocks can help you feel as comfortable as possible in this pose. Easy Pose is a hip-opening pose that stretches the knees and ankles and strengthens the back. It is also a calming pose and it is one commonly used for meditation and practicing breathing exercises. In addition to opening the hips, it helps stretch the spine, increases energy, uplifts mood, improves digestion, and improves breathing.- Arrange supportive padding (blanket, block, or bolster) under your sit bones so your hips will be higher than your knees when you come into the pose.
- Come to sit on your padding in a comfortable, cross-legged position. Shift the flesh of your butt to each side with your hands so that your sit bones have a firm foundation.
- Lean back and forth and side to side with your torso a few times to make sure your shoulders are aligned directly over your hips. Slide the shoulder blades down your back so your shoulders move away from your ears. The crown of your head should rise towards the ceiling.
- Bring the base of the palms together at the heart center.Touch thumbs and pinky fingers together.Spread the rest of the fingers out like the lotus flower.
- On your inhalations, through the nose, feel your spine grow long. On your exhalations, out of the mouth from the back of the throat, root down through your seat.
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