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  • 30 DYC Day 19 Arm Balance series

    Posted by Abigail on December 4, 2021 at 11:46 am

    Crow Pose Bakasana
    In any arm balance, a strong and engaged core, back and legs lifts and protects the arms and wrists from strain and injury. Additionally, lifting and toning internally through engagement of the bandhas takes arm balances to a new level. When the whole body works as a unit, flight becomes more easily attainable, sustainable. The balance of the body is attained through body awareness, focused attention and willingness to try. The focused attention to keep the body lifted channels the mind to focus on the moment.Arm balances are often linked to the third chakra, or manipura, because they require immense amounts of power and will. The third chakra is associated with fire and the ability to act and honor the power within burns through all blocks and fears. In affirming the will to accomplish an arm balance, the risk of flying becomes less scary and flight becomes more attainable. Believing in the self to do an arm balance, promotes the concept of self-esteem as a reward rather than an entitlement. As such, self-esteem is earned and backed with evidence which, in turn, promotes self-worth and self-confidence.
    I battle with all arm balance poses, after years of using certain muscles repeatedly in the same way, giving sometimes up to 15 massages a day, I am having to completely retrain my upper body, which is a painful challenge! But one that I am determined to achieve!!!I’m literally firing up my third chakra!!!!!So I’m incredibly proud of myself getting into the Crow pose! I take my photos using my apple watch so I only had 3 seconds from pressing go on my watch to get into this pose!

    1. Begin in a squat with your knees wide apart. Your feet may be together or apart.
    2. Place your hands on the floor 6–8 inches in front of your feet and shoulder-distance apart. If your shoulders are tight, your hands can be a little wider.
    3. Come onto the balls of your feet and lift your hips high. Bring your knees toward your upper arms.
    4. Tilt your torso forward so that your shoulders fit between your knees.
    5. Firmly press your knees to your upper arms. You can balance them on your triceps for Crow or tuck them closer to your armpits for Crane.
    6. Continue to reach your chest forward until your elbows stack over your wrists and you feel your center of gravity shift.
    7. Lift your heels toward your buttocks. Your knees can either grip your outer shoulders or balance on your triceps.
    8. For Crane, press your arms as straight as possible while bringing your feet and buttocks toward each other.
    9. Hold for 5–10 breaths, then either release your feet to the floor.

    I’m currently doing this sequence twice a week, aspiraring to a full handstand soon! If my tennis elbow decides to disappear!!

    Sukhi 💓 replied 3 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Sukhi 💓

    December 6, 2021 at 9:00 pm

    Wonderful achievement and such determination!

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