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  • HW: Arm Balance Series

    Posted by Pamela Smith on April 29, 2021 at 5:18 am

    Upward Plank, Purvottanasana

    We will begin by sitting on our butts with legs straight out in front.

    This is not an eveyrday beginners pose, so go as far as you are comfortable, try to stay a couple seconds longer than you think you can AND take care of yourself.

    Place hands on floor at least a hands length behind hips with fingers pointing towards hips.

    Press into hands on exhalation.

    Lift hips to form a straight line with entire body, as hips rise up.

    Shoulder blades lift into back.

    Use core as center of lift.

    Continue to breathe all the way out and in.

    Let head hang back. Do not use neck muscles to lift

    Quads strong; feet pressed onto floor , if available.

    Remain for at least 45 seconds.

    Ease body back back down to buttocks and feel benefits.

    We will begin by sitting on our butts with legs straight out in front.

    This is not an everyday beginners pose, so go as far as you are comfortable, try to stay a couple seconds longer than you think you can AND take care of yourself.

    Place hands on floor at least a hands length behind hips with fingers pointing towards hips.

    Press into hands on exhalation.

    Lift hips to form a straight line with entire body, as hips rise up.

    Shoulder blades lift into back.

    Use core as center of lift.

    Continue to breathe all the way out and in.

    Let head hang back. Do not use neck muscles to lift

    Quads strong; feet pressed onto floor , if available.

    Remain for at least 45 seconds.

    Ease body back back down to buttocks and feel benefits of pose.

    Pamela Smith replied 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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