Tibetan Rites
Down Dog Up Dog Sequence
A beautiful flow of movement to intertwine in your daily practice for great energy and longevity.
It is the movement that animates.
Press into downward dog, fingers spread wide, spine is long, crown hanging free.
Coming forward into up dog, stay on toes, knees and chest lifted.
And then press back into downward dog in sequence with your breathing gracefully.
Take this moment as an opportunity to connect deeper with your breathing.
Let go of thoughts of I have to do this and I have to do that.
Let go of any thought that keeps you from fully experiencing this moment.
And in this moment, we are just flowing dog to dog.
Become more aware of the energy and emotions inside the body.
Releasing any tension and rooting firm with the ground.
Start to feel strong in peace inside yourself as you flow in this moment.
This discussion was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
This discussion was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
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