• Posted by Justin Boyer on May 18, 2021 at 7:05 pm

    Hello everybody! I had found the Flow State through their Inner Child Healing Workshop in March and I feel blessed to be a part of a community like this, the vibes are very high here 🙂

    You could definitely say I did have a childhood that was not so great, and its effects lingered with me for my entire life. Feelings of abandonment, isolation, worthlessness and emotions of the negative polarity tended to follow me like a dark little rain cloud. I had childhood asthma growing up, and cystic acne throughout my teenage years. It all strongly effected my self-image and kept me within chains of my own self-limitation (literally). After getting through January which was one of the more depressing months I’ve ever had, where I had a broken heart and an alcohol abuse problem (I was a mess), in February I had decided I needed to make a serious change. I had taken “plant medicine” which had revealed all of the events which had me chained, and set me on a path towards healing my own inner child.

    Through months of deep meditation, reliving my past but to “rewrite the script” I was able to see the root of my own insecurities and literally rebuild myself from rock bottom. So I am as of typing this, a totally transformed individual. With helpful guidance from Dashama/Activation Vibration’s videos, I had started doing yoga, grounding with the Earth, channeling light language, positive manifestations, and many other changes that lifted my vibration to the stratosphere. I had cleared my skin completely through an organic vegan diet with supplementation and I feel like a shining star 🙂 I feel like my story is (and still is going to be) a zero to hero kind of deal, and I feel like I’m only going up from here!

    Some awesome things about me:

    1. I have many, many past lives, that go incredibly far back. I was able to remember:

    Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, Maya, Inca, China, Japan, African Tribes (sometimes I think Zulu), Native American Cultures (North and Central), and my more recent past lives in France and Russia.

    2. The miracle that revealed to me I was a healer:

    When I was 16 I had made a special prayer to “Archangel Raphael”, where I had asked him to provide me a book called “Hands of Light” by Barbara Ann Brennan, which taught all about chakras and healing modalities. It was $80 on Amazon at the time, and I didn’t have a dollar. So I prayed in deep sincerity and earnest for the book, saying “If I’m meant to heal the world, let this book come to me for free!” 3 days later, my mother comes home from the laundromat, and plopped the book on my lap saying “I found this in a free book bin just sitting there, didn’t you ask for this?” After reading a good portion of this book, and using the healing modalities on myself, I had a sudden urge to become vegan out of nowhere, and began meditating for 8 hours a day, everyday. I reached a “samadhi state” where my ego disappeared for a short time, and I felt oneness with the entire planet, as if every single tree, creature and being was one entire living organism. To this day I feel like that experience was what carried me through the dark night of the soul (that lasted many years), which happened after I had reached the state, as life became complicated and I lost my way in terms of spirituality for a long time.

    3. The energy that comes off of my hands lol

    When I am in an incredibly good mood, an energy tends to flow from my hands similar to that of having an “energy glove”. Often times I tend to do remote healings using prayers of angels and healing projections (something I’d love to teach!) but when I feel this surge of energy often times I like to use them on my dog, who is incredibly old with weak hips. When I use my healing energy on him he bursts up and starts jumping (a dog with bad hips doing this). This was another strong indicator I had to use this talent for the greater good.

    4. I’m a starseed who’s been playing space simulators since I was 5

    When I was 5, I was introduced to a space simulator that was ahead of its time, and I had learned how to type and speak to other people in the multiplayer mode on the game and had literally been flying spaceships with random people online since I learned how to speak. I figured my advanced love of space flight and the stars had to mean something incredible… I discovered I was a starseed at 16 when I had 2 of my spirit guides reveal their identities to me as “Arcturian Ascended Masters” and that I myself was also one of these incarnated masters. This was directly prior to me achieving the “samadhi state” I had talked about earlier. Their vibrations were incredibly high and I feel like the world we are in would be simillar to trying to swim in molasses or tar, its incredibly dense for them to appear here. So I’ve only communicated with them consciously a few times in my life. Since then I have discovered all of my other origins: Arcturian (first one), Lyran (feline), Pleiadian (Taygeta or Alcyone), and Sirian (I feel my lives have all converged here at one point or another).

    5. I raise the vibrations of rooms that I enter

    I had an experience once where I went to meet my distant family for a graduation party, some of the only family that I have (yes, I don’t have much family at all, no grandparents aunts uncles). These people I hadn’t seen in a long time, so I decided to get my vibes together and try to impact them as I knew I may not see them again for a long time (and I was right.) I had worn all white, a nice crystal necklace, and had meditated to raise my frequency so that I could uplift the people at the party. I had talked to everybody there personally in a space of unconditional love, imagining my essence pouring into every single person. There was one girl, who was a distant cousin of mine, who was placed into foster care because her mother had abused drugs and was seen as unfit for care. She was brutally depressed and was sitting in a fetal position in a chair by herself. I had imagined all the love I could possibly give, pouring it into her even though she wouldn’t look me in the eye (that’s how sad she truly was.) Nowadays she has made it out of foster care and is married with two kids.

    By the end of the night, when I hugged some people goodbye, and people noticed, the entire party just went silent. Every single person noticed me leaving and wanted to also say goodbye, all looking at me with smiling eyes, waving and shouting goodbye. I had touched the entire party with my love, and I had everyone’s full attention until the second I had walked out the door. That was another experience that made me realize the power of love and connection.

    6. I’m incredibly honest, open, and deep. I also write poetry 🙂

    I find that honesty is the best policy, and through that I believe being authentic as possible with people allows you to align with those with your vibration. I also have a lot of depth to me, and I have been journaling and writing poetry for a long time. I used to have a little blue book in which I wrote down ideas I thought would, “change the world”, and some of these ideas I want to actually make happen today. I practiced channeling my emotions into poetry and I have been writing since I was 16 (a lot of things started for me at that age).

    Here’s a poem that I wrote on November 5, 2017:

    “With the best of me I’d give to all those out there

    To the cold, the frail, the weak and disempowered

    A feeling of hope, love, grace and treatings fair

    From distance my heart would send this, love through the air

    If love is what these people seek, they’ll find it true

    To seek the only parts that are the best of you,

    If bliss is what these people crave, their souls anew,

    A clean slate clears their karma and frees the spirit too

    If only I could give, if I could I would shout,

    To all the lonely souls that wither, cry and pout,

    That I’m going through this, whether in all of it

    Whether I give or take or both a little bit

    We go through hell and we all have a part to play

    Whether we scream and cry to toughen up to come say

    We’ve all been through that hell, straight through the burning door

    Arise together and love, through pain we endure”

    It’s lovely to meet you all! I hope to meet you all in Bali in November! Much love,


    Justin Boyer replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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