Hello Tribe! My name is Betsy and I am from New York.
I discovered Dashama on YouTube in 2008, back when the 30 day yoga challenge was a daily email. She opened me up to yoga as a spiritual journey more than just the physical it appeared to be. For the first time in my life I could do splits and my body was opening up. Unfortunately, I suppressed my desires and instead of going to the YTT, I stuck myself in a job for 10 years where I allowed myself to become sick and destroy my back (as I was, indeed, holding myself back). So in 2018, at the absolute worst of moment of my pain, I mentally prepared to quit my job and wrote down that in the Summer of 2020 I would do the training no matter what. Fast forward to 2020, my job shut down and the YTT moved online for a fraction of the price, meaning I could afford it without concern!
I had really wanted to make this about healing first, yoga teacher training second – I have a large past of feeling abandonment and lack. In 2004, I began devouring spiritual self help books alongside my dad and sisters, we learned Reiki in ’08, but nothing ever really clicked for any of us to get out of our stuck energy. In September, I did Dashama’s Reframing Self Hypnosis Meditation a few times and it really helped clear some major past family events. My stomach is healing and it brought up massive 5th chakra blocks that resulted in a 2 month rash, during which I couldn’t do the Asanas. Instead I did a ton of healing meditations, mantras, tapping. My dad and one of my sisters seem to be healing with me, as we are all discovering similar ideas from different sources simultaneously. That’s been an incredible journey.
So I gave myself a grace period to heal, which has been profound. I can now view things so differently without jumping to the negative. I look at my past in a new light. From here, I plan to begin posting more regularly, having been diving in to the modules and back to a daily practice the past couple months. I’m so grateful for all this Tribe has provided so far and can’t wait to see how we all grow! I follow what everyone’s been posting, even if I don’t always comment. I’m inspired by all your beautiful souls and have so much love for you!
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