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  • HWL: Miracle Morning

    Posted by Emily on March 25, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    I have been using The Miracle Morning for over a year now, this book is what guided me to finding Dashama and her amazing YTT. Which I am so grateful to have found.

    Miracle Morning changed my life for the better and now has become part of my lifestyle.

    I have tweaked miracle morning to fit into my life. This is how it looks for me and the benefits I get from it.

    I do at least an hour but mostly go over as I enjoy it so much!

    Meditation 15 Min:

    This is always the first step I do. I find somewhere comfy to sit, preferably not in bed, I like to make the effort to go into a different room. I always set the mood before meditating, lighting candles, incense and playing music. I usually do guided meditations, but mix them up and lately have been doing some just to music.

    The Benefits of meditating first thing in the morning are: a calm, peaceful, quite mind. I feel more connected to the earth and to nature. I learn to live in the present moment, instead of always thinking of past or future. Raises my vibration, so I have more energy and a more positive attitude. All of the above benefits means that I have a productive, calm and positive day, which leads to feeling happier, less anxious and grounded.

    Journaling & Gratitude’s:

    My second step is journaling and gratitude’s. I like to journal about anything that comes into my head, ideas, dreams, plans for the future. I try to stick to the positive, however if I am feeling low or anxious or worried about something, I do find that writing it down and getting it on paper really helps. I always make sure I do this before my gratitude’s so I end on a positive. I then write at least 4, in lots of detail things I am grateful for and why. The more I write the more I then think of, I could write all day my gratitude’s now as I have so many.

    I find the benefits of journaling and writing my gratitude’s huge! It makes you stop and think of how lucky you are to have all the wonderful things in your life, even from the smallest things, like being able to breathe. It makes all other problems, big or small not seem so significant. I feel it really lifts your mood as well. I think we are all guilty of moaning about everything, blaming the world for our problems and always focusing on what we don’t have instead of stopping, pausing and realising how incredibly lucky we all are. This sets a really good tone for the rest of my day, putting me in a good mood and feeling blessed.


    I then write down my affirmations. To get my affirmations, I write down how I would like my life to look, I section my life into areas, love, work, health etc. I think write down what I would like each area to look like. After I have my list I create statements then I repeat them, for example, for my health I would like to have a strong, healthy flexible body. So my affirmation for this aspect of my life is ‘my body is strong, slim, toned and flexible’. I then write this affirmation down 3 times, and then repeat it out loud to myself. My statement are always worded in the present tense. I am filling my mind with positive words and sentences, as well as manifesting my future.

    I find affirmations beneficial as like many people I can find myself saying negative things towards myself, which then created negative thoughts and then creates a negative and unhappy life. I find using affirmations keeps me positive, makes me believe in myself and is training my brain to not think negative about myself, situations or others.


    I always do my visualisations to a certain piece of music that I seem to have a connection with. Its a certain song that I find I get really emotional too and lost in. I found visualisation the hardest to start with, as I find it hard to picture things in my head, but the more I practised the easier it became and the more I enjoyed it. I picture my life almost like a story of how I want it o be, I really focus on the detail and feel the feeling of what I visualising

    I find doing visualisations gets me really excited about my future, I get the feeling of excitement in my body and it feels like its really happening. It produces positive thoughts as well as manifesting for your future. You can achieve anything you want to as long as you believe you can d it, and picture yourself doing it.


    I will always do 20 min yoga every morning, and at least a 20 min HIIT workout after. I follow my YTT training, completing an assignment each morning, so I can then write it up during the day. I always do a HIIT as I like to get my heart rate up, my blood flowing and move any stagnant energy around.

    The benefits from doing exercise in the morning are amazing! I find I have more energy, I am more alert, I feel happier as I have released endorphins. I also see my body getting slimmer, my fitness improving and I become more toned from exercising each morning.


    I find its best for me to save the reading to last, as I have done everything else, I can now relax and enjoy my read. I always try and read for at least 15 minutes, if I don’t have work or any other commitments I will continue to read for as long I as l like. I am always reading some sort of self help or spiritual book. I have not yet read a novel but its something I am going to do.

    I find that reading in the morning before your day gives you that little boost you need. Even if you read one or two lines that gives you an idea, or a thought, or a good feeling, or a tip. I feel that you are always learning when you are reading, so to start your day of with learning something, however big or small, it will have a big impact on your day, and if practised every day, your life.

    I will continue to do the miracle morning and I have shared the book with many friends.

    Emily replied 3 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Dashama

    March 26, 2021 at 2:48 am

    Wow this is so wonderful goddess !!

    You are like expert level miracle morning flow state teacher 🙏🥰💫🧞‍♀️👼

  • Emily

    March 26, 2021 at 8:44 am

    @Dashama 💜💜💜

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