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  • HW: Yoga Fundamentals (Day 1)

    Posted by Katie on December 4, 2022 at 11:42 am

    Sukhasana or Easy Pose… Ironically not necessarily easy …
    Sit tall with the legs cross – half lotus option with one ankle on the opposing thigh, depending on your own comfort and preference. Allow the knees to drop and rest out to the sides, lift up through the spine and crown of the head. Here, we often sit at length for pranyama and meditations, hands resting on the knees or thighs open to receive or any mudra you want to work with. If your knees are high or you are unable to keep your back straight for any length or time you’re likely to have tight muscles in the hips or low back. To bring the ease into the pose, add a block, cushion or rolled up blanket under your hips lifting them higher than the knees. This should release the tightness from the hips or low back and allow the knees to drop comfortably.

    Katie replied 2 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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