New Homepage Forum Daily YTT200 HomeWork HW: Warrior Sequence.

  • HW: Warrior Sequence.

    Posted by Jaimie on November 6, 2022 at 2:23 am

    Virabhadrasana II.Warrior 2.
    Begin in a beautiful strong plank, inhale up into downward facing dog. Lift right leg up to the sky, 3 legged dog, exhale right foot steps between the palms, looking to your left foot now, align the arch of your left foot with the heel of your right foot, shuffle & adjust to comfortable rooting, inhale gently fly your arms like a rainbow with wings up to a comfortable T position at shoulder height. Reach out fingers.
    Check in with right foot, knee over ankle, 90 degree angle with the knee, toes forwards to the mat top, both heels rooted, back left leg firm, strong & solid. Tuck your tail bone under & sideline hips with the length of your mat. Check in with back foot, parallel the blade of your left foot to the back of your mat.
    Anyone un-stable in this asana please widen your stance more to hip distance apart, also shorten it if that feels right. Gaze out over right fingertips, smile & reach for your dreams with Warrior energy inside & all around you. Namaste 💫

    Jaimie replied 2 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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