HW: Tone Legs
Eagle Pose, Garudasana
Ground in Mountain Pose.
Place balance on left foot. Begin to raise right foot as you bend left knee simultaneously. Where is your center of balance located? We want it to be at core level.
Cross right leg over left knee. The goal being to twist right toes behind left ankle while sinking into bend in left knee. Of course if this is not available today, know that there is work wherever you are.
Ideally you will open arms wide and swing left arm under right arm and twist arms, palms finding each other (Or in prayer as pictured if balance is tricky today)
If arms are twisted raise them as high as you can to receive a nice stretch in shoulders.
Hold for at least one minute.
Return to Mountain Pose.
Repeat on other side.
You have successfully cut of blood flow and sent
fresh blood to arms and legs. Good job!
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