HW: Thrid Eye Chakra
6th Chakra – Thrid Eye Chakra – Ajna
location: between the eye brows
color: indigo – like the night sky
sound: AOM
element: space, light
possible blockages: illusion, deception
remember: clarity, fulfillment, wisdom, bliss, beauty
Become aware of the area between your eye brows, how does it feel? How does it feel to have a clear vision? Now extant your attention slightly inward towards the center of your head. As you keep your attention in the center of your head become aware of the space around it. How does it feel? Be curious like a child. How does it feel to be bright? To intensive the feeling of that energy center put one finger on your navel and one finder on your third eye and push gently in and up. How does the energy of your third eye chakra feel?
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