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  • HW: Sun Salutations

    Posted by Melody on April 19, 2021 at 6:50 pm

    Let’s begin in Mountain Pose.

    Place both feet firmly on the ground with your toes spread out and your arch of the foot lifted slightly, shoulders relaxed down and away from your ears.

    Bring your awareness into this present moment and let go of anything else you may have to do today. Just be here, and take a deep belly breath to anchor into this now.

    Now you may slightly lift the knee caps so you feel your legs becoming engaged and allow your arms to relax at your sides, with your crown chakra lifted standing tall, our spine is long and we are in our perfect posture.

    Inhale while bringing your arms up from your sides toward the sky and intertwine your hands at the top, slightly lean back here as you lift your heart and feel yourself opening up to this pose.

    Then release your hands as you exhale, and begin to fold forward letting your hands plant themselves on the ground beside your feet. Relax your head, and if you find this pose is a bit difficult, feel free to bend your knees so you can reach the ground. Now try and bring your face towards your shins if possible, completing our forward fold.

    <font face=”inherit”>Inhale look up and </font>lengthening the stretch and create a flat surface with your back as you let your self hang, then fold back in. As you exhale, place your hands on the ground and either step, jump, or float your feet back, bringing you into a plank position. Inhale.

    Hands are underneath the shoulders, elbows straight, lower belly engaged, spine is long here.

    Drop your knees down, followed by the chest and chin, fully lowering the body to the floor as you exhale.

    Inhale as you lift your chest coming into cobra posed shoulders down and back, heart is lifted, now slightly look up, opening up the spine.

    Exhale tuck your toes and transition into downward facing dog. Spread the fingers wide, neck relaxed as you feel yourself lengthening through your feet back down to your hands.

    While in our downward dog you may bend one knee then alternate as I like to call this walking the dog, slowly go back and forth peddling the heels of your feet to the ground. Lower both feet so that they’re flat, chest is pressing in towards your thighs.

    Inhale, look up to your hands and jump, float, or step your feet forward between your hands in front of you. Lengthen the spine and exhale into our forward fold, then inhale and rise bringing your hands above the crown chakra, intertwine your fingers and slightly lean back opening the heart. Exhale and return the hands to heart centre.

    You may repeat this series of positions 4 more times,

    In your last round, having your hands in prayer at your heart, take 3 breaths and thank yourself for the movement you’ve done for your body today.

    Thank you for being.



    Dashama replied 3 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Dashama

    April 20, 2021 at 1:35 am

    Great job goddess! 🙏💓💫

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