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  • HW: Sun Salutations

    Posted by Katie on December 4, 2022 at 12:34 pm

    Sun Salutations start with a strong Tadasana or Mountain Pose – so simple, and yet there is so much to it, this is not just a yoga pose, but a sense of being, a mindset: strong, steady, grounded – like the mountain.

    Stand at the top of your mat with your feet in neutral. Lift the toes, raising the arches of the feet, and become aware of the 3 points of balance – the heel, and balls of the big and pinkie toe. Ground down evenly through this foot tripod, connecting to the earth, then keep the lift underneath your foot as you gently relax the toes back down. This is Pada Bandha.

    Lift the knees engaging the quads gently, tuck the tailbone under slightly and lengthen through the spine and crown of the head, creating a sense of lift from the feet all the way through the centreline of the body. Draw the head back so the ears are in line with the shoulders, and shoulders line with hips. Roll the shoulders up back an down, with the arms by your sides. Breath evenly..

    Notice how you feel physically, taller? Alert? Strong? And mentally…more positive, confident, connected, at peace…

    I love how getting your posture right can totally change your mental state…So simple, so vital⛰💛

    Today I took my Mountain Pose whilst up a mountain..for extra empowerment.

    Katie replied 2 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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