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  • HW: Shoulders (Day 5)

    Posted by Katie on December 7, 2022 at 8:22 am

    Eagle Arms (Right) + Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose Legs)

    This is a fantastic opening for the back of the shoulders, and the hips when combined with Gomukhasana legs, although not essential. You can always opt for Sukhanasana or a half lotus.

    For Gomukhasana with the legs, sit on the mat with the legs out straight and bend the left leg into the body, then use your hands to help your left foot over by the right hip. (You can lean back to get yourself into position.) Then do the same with the right leg, laying it on top of the left with the right foot over by the left hip. Ideally, we are working to wards stacking your knees. The closer your heels are to your hips, the easier. Over time we work to tray and move flexed feet away from the hips. Keep the weight evenly distributed on the sit bones. IF, you are lopsided, can’t sit tall, and/or your top knee is floating, sit on a block to reduce the flexion in the hips. This should help you relax the knees down, stop the hips from panicking, and allow you to get comfortable in the pose. This is a wonderful hip opener, start gentle but once you start to release, you will notice constant improvement. This was a game changer for me.

    NB Any electrical pain in the knees, come out immediately – more work to reduce the tightness in the hips is needed before attempting to pretzel your legs!

    For Eagle Arms, spread the arms out wide to the side like you’re hugging the world and then bring them across the body, above the chest if you find it an obstacle(!), left arm over the right. Bend the elbows and bring the forearms up vertically in front of the face. You can keep the backs of the hands touching OR if its available, work to bring the hands palm to palm. Lift the elbows in line with the shoulders an press the forearms away from the face. Feel a wonderful stretch in the upper back and shoulders. Settle the gaze straight ahead – eagle vision, seeing the left and right of the world.

    To come out of the pose, release the arms, bring the hands behind you and lean back to create space for the legs to unfold, swop over and repeat on the other side.

    Laurie replied 2 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Jinelyn

    December 7, 2022 at 12:06 pm

    Good work Katie! Namaste 🙏❤

  • Laurie

    December 7, 2022 at 2:54 pm


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