New Homepage Forum Daily YTT200 HomeWork HW: Shoulders

  • HW: Shoulders

    Posted by Raven Hanna on April 30, 2021 at 4:03 pm

    Come into a seated position with your spine long. 

    Place both feet on the ground with knees bent.

    Put both of your hands into mushti mudra by pulling your thumb into the palm and curling your fingers around it. 

    Now turning your wrists place both hands by the upper ribs. 

    While maintaining a straight spine adjust your legs so you may place your elbows between the knees and then squeeze them together. 

    Breath into the shoulders for as long as you need. 

    Slowly release your elbows from your knees and roll out the shoulders.

    Raven Hanna replied 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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