New Homepage Forum Daily YTT200 HomeWork HW: Shoulders.

  • HW: Shoulders.

    Posted by Jaimie on November 6, 2022 at 2:03 am

    💙🤍💙Gomukasana with Eagle Arms.
    Please be in sukasana as for an easy transition into cow face pose with eagle arm variation.
    Bend deeper into right knee as you tuck right knee underneath left knee. Both feet by the hips for a deeper stretch or evenly out towards the front of the mat. Nestle in here into both sitbones evenly. A blanket, towel or pillow can be super dooper helpful to elevate your hips too. As we lift high up throughout your spine, breathe here & raise both palms right out to the world opening up wide, exhale, right elbow underneath left for eagle arms, crossing your forearms to meet palms in a prayer like pose., thumbs close to your face. Full skeletal integrity throughout your body, toes, knees, hips, spine, neck head & shoulders. All the way to your fingertips, prayer at your gaze.Chin loited with easy grace & either close your eyes visually soaring like an eagle, or opening your eyes to see all that is with the precision, the clarity, of the beautiful Eagle, seeing all spectrums, all dimensions through their eyes as you gaze looking past both hands met in Eagle arms.
    To come out, breathing, exhale, inhale open arms wide, palms behind you to support you as you wake up both legs & cycle them out, bicycle flow. Back to sukasana 🙏✨️🤙

    Jaimie replied 2 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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