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  • HW: Root Chakra

    Posted by Valerie Kumer on May 19, 2023 at 7:03 am

    1st Chakra – Root Chakra – Muladhara

    location: base of spine

    color: red – like glowing coals

    sound: LAM

    element: earth

    possible blockages: fear

    remember: security, stability, grounding, support, excitement and pleasure


    Become aware of the area around the base of your spine, how does it feel? As you keep your attention on the base of your spine become aware of the space around your hips. How does it feel? Be curious like a child. How does it feel to be excitement about life? How does it feel to radiate security? To intensive the feeling of that energy centre visualize your Muladhara glowing with each breath like red coals being blown by the bellows. Expand that energy into every corner of your pelvic region, into your legs and finally all around your body. How does the energy of your root chakra feel?

    Valerie Kumer replied 1 year, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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