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  • HW: Pranyama (Day 4)

    Posted by Katie on December 6, 2022 at 2:50 pm

    Pranyama is a vital practice, so beneficial for our physical and mental health. It’s a wonderful tool, particularly for managing stress, anxiety and helping with sleep.

    This particular pranyama is Nadii Shodana, or alternate nostril breathing. Working with the nadiis, or pranic, channels through the body, in this case Ida and Pingala nadii, which run to the nostrils, we are able to balance both sides of the brain. You may notice during different times of the day, the breath flows more easily through one nostril than the other. They usually switch dominance every couple of hours, and dependent on what systems are predominantly active in the body at the time – not that you’d notice. Until you do.

    This practice is wonderfully meditative, with the retention of the breath offering a moment of real peace, leaving you with a feeling of calm and clarity…

    Find yourself a comfortable seat, on the floor, a cushion, or a chair. Resting the left hand, palm up, on the knee/thigh, touch tips of the index finger and thumb in jnana mudra. With the right hand, bend the middle finger and index finger towards the palm – we will use the thumb and ring finger for this practice.

    Close the eyes, and after a few easy breaths, close the right nostril off with the thumb and exhale any air out of the left nostril to start. Then, inhale for a count of 8 through the left nostril, close the left nostril with the fourth finger and retain the breath for a count of 8. Release the thumb and exhale out the right nostril for a count of 8. Inhale right for a count of 8, close the nostrils and retain the breath for 8.

    Release the fourth finger exhale the left nostril for 8, then inhale for 8, hold the breath for 8, release the right nostril to exhale, and so on. Keep moving through this alternating cycle for several minutes, concluding with a final exhale out of the left side.** Take a few easy breaths and open the eyes when you’re ready , and see how you feel.

    ** Alternatively, you can retain the final inhale: Release the right hand to rest and retain the breath for a final 30 seconds, focusing your closed eyes behind the brow. Stay relaxed, and keep a sense of peace and calm inside the body, then release.

    This is a great point to move into a few minutes of deeper, silent mediation if you wish.

    Laurie replied 2 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Jinelyn

    December 7, 2022 at 12:01 pm

    I love this breathing exercise as well it really helps me sleep well. 😊🙏

  • Laurie

    December 8, 2022 at 11:52 am

    This is my favorite, i love to start students with breathwork and this is my GO-TO everyone loves, and needs this one! XOXO Laurie

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