HW: Pranayama.
🌬Nadi Shodhana – Alternate Nostril breathing. Come to a comfortable seat, lifting your spine & relaxing into the earth beneath you. Settle into your foundations with length of your spine, breathe into that length, check in with it.If your hips are tense, bring a blanket or pillow to sit up on & for anyone with spinal tension where it’s more natural to hunch, it’s beautiful of you & for you to rest against the wall, a chair or the end of your bed.
Take your right hand & work it into the Chaka greeting position, also leave your ring finger extending with your pinky The energy of this Pranayama practice allows for both the left & right hemispheres of the brain, the masculine & feminine of you to balance, finding synergy especially with consistent practice.
From here settle your left hand into jnana mudra, or just resting on your knee. Right ring finger comes to left Nostril & your thumb is used to block off the right Nostril for retention. We will breathe in firstly through the right nostril to begin, for 8 count, hold closing with the thumb retaining for 8 count & unblocking the left ring finger from left Nostril exhaling for 8 count, will begin to switch back & forth by breathing in through the left Nostril for 8 count. Hold 8. Exhale out the right 8. Inhale through right 8, block, hold 8, release left 8, inhale left 8.
We will repeat the process for a few minutes to welcome into ourselves, nadi shodhanas gifts.
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