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  • HW: Peak Poses Module.

    Posted by Jaimie on January 6, 2023 at 1:46 am

    ❤️Bow pose, lighter version as this is not something I was ready to practice until recently. Dhanurasana.To warm up come into a prone position upon your belly & take a few cobra poses. Up to 12 breaths so 12 repetitions. Though move slow. Wrists under shoulders chin slighted down, neck long & spine sturdy. Press into palms, press into your pelvic bone engaging glutes & legs, then use your upper back muscles pressing together & holding down to lift. 12 breaths.
    Then we come into Anahatasana, heart melts forth to the planet & we hang out here for 12 or more breaths. Allowing the body to lead your movements. Flow a little & flow into a child’s pose. Balasana. 💜Once your warmed up
    Lay back onto your tummy in prone & flick your feet to meet your glutes, reach back with both hands to grasp the outside edge of your feet, check your shoulders down & tucked, inhale lifts uour gaze & exhale lift your chest & engage your core centre. Tug your feet away from your chest as you open up. Listen to your shoulders listen to your entire body, especially your organs here & firm up your belly. Gently rock about if that is comfortable for you.
    Thank you.

    Jaimie replied 2 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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