New Homepage Forum Daily YTT200 HomeWork HW: Peak Pose

  • HW: Peak Pose

    Posted by hailzbrou on April 5, 2024 at 11:48 am


    Two poses that would be good to transition into tripod is from cat/cow and from wide legged forward fold


    While hands and knees are on the floor, bring hands and few inches away from the shoulders in front of you and bring elbows to meet the mat below the shoulders. Clasp hands together to make a triangle shape with the arms and rest head into hands. Push into the feet lift hips up to the sky and straighten your back and legs walking the legs into the body while stacking your hands and head into the headstand engage abs to lift feet off the floor slowly one at a time knees into chest balancing on arms and head pushing into the shoulders lifting away from the ears and pushing into the forearms. Spine straight lengthening toward the sky, lifting one leg at a time slowly to reach a straight line with the body.

    Wide Legged Forward Fold

    Facing the long side of your mat heel tow you legs farther than hip distance apart as low as you like to go while keeping the legs thighs and abs engaged. Fold forward with straight back hinging from the hips with your hands to the floor. If possible bring head close to the floor or lower more to reach the floor while creating a tripod stand with your shoulders and arms in a triangle position to support your headstand. Head over hands clasped with forearms and shoulder pushing away from the floor, neck straight and spine over head and neck. Once stable with head and arms on the floor, push into the feet, engage the abs and float your feet off the floor rising slowly maintaining balance until you lift them straight up to the sky in a straight line.

    hailzbrou replied 11 months, 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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