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  • HW: Peak Pose

    Posted by Betsy on November 29, 2021 at 5:42 pm

    I chose to focus on Headstand for my peak pose. I had to avoid headstands for a few years, I was anemic in my early 20s and practicing any physical yoga poses was tough because I would get vertigo so easily. It makes me appreciate my body and capabilities every time I do a pose I had to avoid during that time.

    To prepare for a peak pose, it’s important to warm up your body, especially your back, neck, and shoulders.

    Some asanas to lead in to a headstand are Plank, Forearm Plank, Cobra or Sphinx, Downward Dog, Dolphin, Swimming Dolphin, and Gomukhasana. Afterwards rest in child’s pose and reward yourself with a neck massage.

    Avoid headstands if you have an injury, back or neck injury, vertigo, blood pressure/heart disease.

    Sukhi 💓 replied 3 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Sukhi 💓

    November 29, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    Lovely Betsy!

    That’s great that you’re able to do headstand now 🙂

    Can you explain a bit more about how to get into the pose and out of it? I appreciate you explaining what poses to do to prepare, but I would also like to see how you would explain doing the pose as well. Thanks love!

    • Betsy

      November 29, 2021 at 7:08 pm

      Place your mat near the wall for support. From all fours, move down on to your forearms and interlace fingers near the wall. Place the crown of your head on the floor, back of the head should be supported between your hands. Tuck toes, straighten knees, lift hips and walk feet in, shoulders in line with elbows like dolphin pose. When you feel ready, engage your core inhale and raise one leg straight in up toward the ceiling. Exhale, rest your leg against the wall directly behind you if you need the support, otherwise keep in line with torso. When you feel ready, keeping core engaged lift second leg up next to the other. Hold for about 30 seconds. Keeping core, thighs engaged.

      To come out, slowly pull knees down to chest with control and lower feet to floor. Rest back in Childs pose.

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