• Posted by Hayley Greeno on March 17, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    I have decided to go out on a limb and share something different for this homework assignment. I have noticed a lot of internal resistance to posting a video of myself singing a mantra. In part I think I need to do more research to better understand Mantras. So far I have learned that the words that you say are not as important as the sound you create, according to Sadhguru and his YouTube video. I have watched other videos that state this as well. This also goes back to a book I read years ago about how to release trauma that is held in the body through different sound vibrations. This information is helpful to me logically, but is something I struggle to do in practice, in large part because of blockages in my 5th Chakra. Speaking up and using my voice has frequently been a challenge. This is something that I would to continue to work on for my personal development and something that I will share with those around me who are trusted and safe people. Sharing a video of me singing a mantra at this time feels too vulnerable and not the right timing. I am currently in the midst of a major life transition and am working on the practices that keep me moving forward and feeling strong. I believe there is timing for everything – and at this point in my journey developing this vulnerable practice is not the right time. But I do intend to keep learning more and hope to develop this skill for my own practice as well as to help others in the future.

    Hayley Greeno replied 5 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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