HW Kundalini Module
Different problems have different mantras and different kundalini postures that go with them to dissolve the blockages. The moment you do these exercises regularly (Preferably at least 3 minutes daily and preferably 27 minutes or an hour) you will find that the problems are resolved. However, it is important to be consistent with your kundalini practice and focus. If you skip a day it already becomes less efficient. If you do it but manage to be somewhere else with your mind, the effect will also become less powerful.
The combination of the krya sound (vibration and breathing regulation), movement (vibration), breathing (vibration , energy ), mudra (energy flow),contraction of the Banda’s (channeling energy flow ), posture (muscle building and therefore energy) puts you in higher vibrations , meditative atmosphere and these vibrations support you to change things in your life, really reverse or eliminate obstacles. Just think about how ultrasonic waves can remove dirt from objects or make things break or heal. With kunalini yoga, you create similar helping frequencies. Guanesha (and Shiva) are good supportive Hindu gods in this regard. The moment you think “you can’t do any more” it is important to keep going and realize that it is rather your mind that says “you have to stop, or can’t do it any more” than it is your body. The victory is just in persevering. Just when you do keep going in that moment of wanting to stop you get into a flow, on the way to redemption. It’s similar to running where one moment you think “I can’t take it anymore” but after that bump you find your second breath and get a kind of runners high.
For myself, kundalini was a revelation. I went from being skeptical to embracing it. Yes, it still takes me effort to keep it up and do it daily. But I often do feel better and stronger in terms of energy when I have done it. You can see a kundalini / trance dance of your own developed on this. I understand that this does not conform to the pure strict protocol developed by Yogi bajan, but it is built with all the kundalini elements. In addition, it gives me joy and openness and energy. https://youtu.be/UtobfVTe9ec This is an important aspect I learned during the miracle mornings during the Flowstate institute’s YTT. 🙂
Another Kundalini exercise I am currently trying to keep up is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i483LMN2CR0&list=LL&index=3&pp=gAQBiAQB Because I have a lot of inner anger that is necessary to let go. After the first times I already feel some change in my heart chakra. So I will definitely continue this one. I am grateful to have been introduced to kundalini yoga through Dashama. I don’t want to become a kundalini yoga teacher. But I definitely want to incorporate it as short snacks in my yoga classes and TMM. And in this way help people change their lives 🙂
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