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  • HW: Kundalini

    Posted by Katie on March 29, 2023 at 12:26 pm

    Admittedly, it took a little bit of time but I am a kundalini convert! I’d done a little bit of Kundalini yoga before however, that was more physically demanding. The kundalini kriya work here is much more of a mental challenge. I have to say when I first attempted the Miracle of Miracles Kriya, I wanted to give up. My brain was arguing with me so much, and I kept fidgeting and moving my arms around, had itches and all sorts. But, after doing the shorter Sat Kriya video a few times, I started to get into the idea, and actually found that particular exercise, with the breath holding at the end really blissful – I had such a rush of feel good energy, it was a brand new feeling. By the time I got to the Ego Eradicator, I was determined not to be beaten. It was a fight, and the next day I found my neck was quite stiff so I had to work with that. (It’s likely I need to do more of this!)

    The biggest revelation came when we did the 11 minute Sat Kriya in Bali. I let go a little bit more than I had before, because I was already tired. Doing a kriya over any length of time is incredibly beneficial, however holding your arms in the air in fire mudra, and performing Sat Kriya for 11 minutes is not only a challenge but is apparently revelatory.

    This was going to be tough, but I kept the mantra going and a count in my head – I didn’t want to give up. As the minutes ticked around I was aware of the burning sensations growing through my arms.

    The strange thing is, those burning sensations, if you stay with them long enough, move. There is no immediate problem with your arms, or your muscles, the brain only thinks there is one, and is trying to tell you. I was amazed when I realised the burning sensation was moving around and actually began to subside.

    The most significant thing to happen for me however, was I became aware of my own duality. Somewhere around the 8th minute I realised I wasn’t alone inside my head, there was someone else there: The most negative, pessimistic, fearful & cowardly voice I could imagine apparently belongs to my monkey mind. I’ve always been aware of the ‘inner critic’, at an academic level, but for a moment I actually felt the separation. I suddenly became aware of how constant and consistent this negative voice is, even when I think its quiet and you’re not thinking, its still shouting. I had a true and tangible feeling of someone else living in my mind, for the first time. This was so surreal , but possibly the most beautiful and profound part is that as I saw this negative entity, I also became aware of the other one – the quiet one, the observer, the me, at complete peace with my arms in the air, no pain, simply watching a childs tantrum on the other side of my mind, smiling.

    Now, I do at least 3 minutes of sat kriya or ego eradicator every day during my miracle morning. My goal is to start adding on a minute each week and build up to 22 minutes. 😅

    Katie replied 1 year, 10 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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