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    Posted by Jaimie on October 23, 2022 at 9:33 am

    Journey to joyful had a beautifully refining, clarifying, integral & gentle impact on me. As a resource written from Dashamas uniquely beautiful & vulnerable life journey up to that point. I found that all to do with childhood trauma healing, those impressions, the imprints of early life, of things beyond us, and yet to take responsibility for them & heal yourself with gentleness, with love, understanding, forgiveness. That impacted me to my core. My deep healing journey began such a long time ago, this book in particular had been in my cart on amazon for so long too, and I bought it pre signup or even true consideration to being part of the YTT this flow state tribe. with the Divine Great Spirit leading me, guiding me, this book as a whole was everything I needed to read to begin to understand a deeply intimate spiritual process that had begun years ago, is it even pre yoga. It helped me feel beautifully empowered with where I am on my journey & it only arrived on my doorstep a few weeks before this new journey began. That has taught me that right now is the beginning, the middle & the end. All that is is exactly now. And the pains of mistreating my body, with a history of pain & trauma. Well today I am on the path of joy, it is ever present. This resource was a blessing filled confirmation that the work I had been doing along my own journey of life has actually led me to touch the bliss state, the joy, the health, as someone who didn’t enjoy seeing the reality of my growth, it was pure magic to go hey I understand that feeling she explains! or wow I get that on a personal level, or oh my gosh I do that Too! It made me feel so human, so beautifully normal. The great spirit of all that is in ways unique to my own life’s journey feels alive with all of this new & wonderful teachings that make so much sense to me, I’ve studied much in bits & bobs, but this book put it all together. It is a purely a book that has shown me that I’m already walking within the cores of these teachings, and now there’s a clarified path ahead of me which I am so grateful for. Page 111 the beginning of the 3 levels of love. 111 The beginning of my greater understanding of my growth here. To grow deeply in-love with myself, my life, to then share these gifts of how to with others as I grow & grow & lead by being the truth I feel so blissfully within.

    Then another thing Dashama wrote. Just get over it, the self doubt! Move on. that shook me to my core because yes! about time the mind, minds its own business in the sense of using my innate intellect & energies against me to self destruct instead of self construct.

    The dietary advice, nutrition & food loving. My gosh haven’t I needed something that simple to help refine all I’ve studied for so long, to help reignite a passion in me because all this study has led to such confusion over all the ways & all the things.

    This entire book was the easiest, most wonderful way to get it in your head how to be with and become flowing positively balanced life force, l with very complex sciences being made simple & a great pleasure to read. I know I will read it again & flag, highlight & journey deeper from this book. Its been a blessing the synchronicities it has shown me in reading it, and confirmed so much more in super special ways to me, Insecurity became no longer an issue from reading this book. Thank you.

    Jaimie replied 2 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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