• Posted by Beatriz Vitorino on June 9, 2021 at 2:57 pm

    HW: Introduction

    Hello! My name is Beatriz, but I prefer to be called Bia. I’m from Portugal, but currently I’m living in Gran Canaria (Spain).

    I first started doing yoga in 2019, on my own, searching postures and their benefits online.

    In 2020 I found Dashama. Since listening to her, I connected in a profound level, without really knowing why – to yoga, to meditation, to nutrition etc

    I started with the 30 day yoga challenge and by reading her book. My first yoga class was with Dashama.

    After that challenge, yoga became part of my life and a priority for me.

    I started looking up some presencial yoga courses/retreats, but I didn’t have enough money or experience. So I continued advancing my practice, motivating my closest people to join this lifestyle too, sharing all I know and learning a lot in the process. I also started having classes with Luciana (YoGard3n), which was my 2nd yoga inspiration and also part of my soul tribe <3

    She taught me that yoga is not a competition. She saved me from some injuries hehe maybe she’ll join us too!!!

    In February this year, A LOT happened. I was constantly getting signs/coincidences that Yoga is really an essential key in my soul journey. And a few weeks ago (close to Sag eclipse 26th May), I got some money from a court case that was dragging for a while, and also got external validation of my yoga abilities. So basically, the obstacles to start the YTT, disappeared. And at the exact same time, I got an email from Dashama speaking about the anniversary of Buddha enlightenment (I read Siddharta last year), and, resuming, I connected all the signs I received last year and this year – and I just knew. One of these things that you have no idea how you know. But you just do. You feel it in every cell of your body. I have to confess that when I was being showered with signs, I was a bit scared. I had to constantly reassure myself that I wasn’t losing my mind. I guess fear is part of finding our true path also, so instead of running, I really decided to go for it!

    About my goals for the future… Since I ‘rebelled’ against society and started to be what I want to be instead of following a designed path, I’ve created a difficult relationship with money. I started to resent it, and the blame it for all the problems in the world. I’m now becoming more aware that money isn’t exactly the issue… But I have to admit that I still have a long way to go until I reach an healthy relationship with money. I just know that I don’t want it to be the focus of any decision I need to make.

    My goal at the moment is to advance my practice, learn A LOT, and share it with everyone I know, so hopefully more and more people can become aware of the mind/body/soul connection, and consequently, raise the awareness locally and maybe even globally.

    Other details about myself: I worked as a flight attendant for 6 years, I was obsessed with my looks and what others thought of me. I was engaged for almost 5 years. I had kind of a crisis in 2019 and left my relationship and my job. I was so lost!

    I stopped speaking with over 20 people (mostly from my job). And everyone around me called me selfish. I believed them for a while, and I think this was my catapult to start my inner journey. I didn’t know myself at all!

    Since then, I met my soul tribe (some of them at least 😝), and learnt how to love myself and more importantly, trust myself!! I mean… I’m still learning everyday. I guess its a lifetime lesson hehe

    I really understood all the quotes about letting go of the old, to welcome the new.

    And that’s it ! 🤩

    Cant wait to meet you all!!!! Beijinhos ♥️

    Beatriz Vitorino replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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