• Posted by Madison on August 30, 2022 at 3:50 pm


    My name is Madison, I am 23 years old and I live in Santa Cruz, California. I love connecting with mother earth, swimming in oceans and rivers, mountain biking, running in the forest, hiking, camping, backpacking, exploring, trying new things, singing and playing music, dancing, basking in the sunshine, and enjoying the company of friends, watching and talking to the moon, reading self-help books, journaling, teaching, and of course, practicing yoga and meditation.

    I am incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to invest in my healing and my future through this magical program. I am incredibly passionate about all things holistic healing and have been on my own healing journey for nearly 2.5 years and am VERY MUCH still in the process of learning to trust myself and own my power. I just finished earning a master’s in education and a primary school teaching credential at the University of California Santa Cruz. My BA is in psychology and I am incredibly passionate about trauma and healing. Rather than taking the conventional route of going straight into teaching elementary school like the majority of my peers, I decided to take a year off to focus on my healing my life through a yoga teacher training program, which led me to Dashama and Flowstate. Once the student is ready, the teacher appears! I am determined to transform before going into the classroom so that I am able to be the best educator I can be, who fills her own cup to the point of overflowing in order to genuinely serve others, especially young children.

    I have always felt drawn to traveling to South East Asia and I am so grateful that I will be able to attend the live training in Bali this coming January and to be able to travel around to Thailand and hopefully India as well. I am inspired to deepen my learning about yoga’s culture, history, and lifestyle through this incredible journey.

    I am incredibly spiritual (I identify as a spiritualist) and love to connect with the Divine nearly at all times. I am grateful for the teachings of Louise Hay, Dr. David Hawkins, and Abraham, amongst many others. I am passionate about the Laws of the Universe and working with Grandmother Moon to grow and frequently change while manifesting my dreams into reality. I believe this power is available to all of us and I feel it is my life purpose to spread this awareness, that we create our reality, as broadly as possible in order to heal the world. This is why I was so excited to find Dashama and this incredible program (amongst her other incredible projects, such as Children are the future) as this tribe and mission are so aligned with my calling to be a light and a healer in this world and to help bring healing and the power of following our heart to all beings, especially children, as I do still intend to go into teaching elementary school in Santa Cruz, at least for a few years, bringing in the power of yoga and pranayama into my classroom.

    I havemany goals for my dream life, one is to teach yoga to all people, especially children, for the healing effects it brings to the mind, body, and spirit. I also would like to be a healer in every sense of the word, deepening my connection to spirit to help people through mediumship, as well as helping people to heal their chakras. I think yoga and chakra healing is going to transform my life through this program and many signs have been leading me to believe it could be my niche. I also love making sacred healing crystal jewelry (my Instagram is @tenderloveandcrystals)

    <div id=”rtw-pin-container” class=”rtw-pin-container”><div class=”rtw-pin”><div class=”rtw-pin-top”></div><div class=”rtw-pin-bottom”></div></div></div>which I am now realizing also overlaps with chakra healing! I love to sing and plan to write songs about the laws of the universe and affirmation songs as well, in hopes to bring healing and inspiration to all who listen to my music. I. hope to teach yoga virtually for a while, in order to spread this medicine as vastly as possible, creating a youtube channel and I might even begin with a 30-day challenge like Dashama recommends. I even hope to go back to school someday down the line to get a Ph.D. in something that allows me to do research in holistic healing to work on publishing and proving the powerful effects of these routes, rather than shutting up and numbing people out with medication, likely related to education and something to do with yoga.

    All of this, or something better! 😉

    As you can probably tell, I have MANY dreams and aspirations and I am determined to live them all, or whatever is for my highest good and for the highest good of all others I am meant to help in this lifetime. I am so grateful and excited to heal my life on this journey and am just so incredibly grateful for this opportunity and to be aligning with my purpose and callings.

    Thank you SO much for reading all of this. I look forward to connecting more with you all

    in this beautiful life journey. Please feel free to reach out if you feel called to or are inspired by anything I have shared. I am always grateful to connect with like-minded souls.



    • This discussion was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by  Madison.
    Madison replied 2 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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