HW: Inner Thighs
Goddess Pose + Twist, Parivrtta Utkata Konasana
Begin in Star Pose with feet angled at 45 degrees. The toes will line up with the knees.
Squat down, hands to knees, butt even with knees ( or thighs parallel to ground). What we are going for here is an inner thigh stretch with the added benefit of butt and thigh strengthener as well as twisting of innards to detox.
Push knees with hands to feel stretch in thighs. Drop either shoulder down to stretch each side.
If you feel pain in the knees, stop. This is not the day for you to do this pose. No stress.
Remember long slow deep breathes. Release tension in face.
Connect with the earth with balance in root chakra.
Now you are here. Hold for 1-2 minutes.
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